Meet the Author!

Hayley Moharter

Hello! My names Hayley and Welcome to my Book Nook!

I’m an aspiring Fantasy/Romance author excited to debut my series: ”The Gift of a Savior” this upcoming 2025/26.

I’m so glad that you decided to support me on my journey & I hope you love this book as much as I do!

To read the synopsis of “The Battle of Grimspire”, the first book to my series, as well as a small sneak peak of one of my favorite chapters, click the link below!


While I finish up the final touches of my rough draft… Here’s more about me!

Currently located in St. Petersburg FL, I originally grew up in the middle of nowhere in Upstate NY. “Cow-Town” is what me and my childhood friends use to call it. I grew up as an only child with parents who fought tooth and nail to make sure I had a better childhood & upbringing than they did. And boy did they ever! (Hi mom & dad!). Growing up as an only child in the harsh winters of NY, and the short summers-left me with a LOT of free time.

Growing up I was bullied for standing out. I often pushed against the societal boundaries of my peers and for that it made me a target. In order to escape the sad reality of being a lonely young girl, I found myself in a world of creativity, and I haven’t left since. Writing has always been my escape. Whether through poems, lyrics, short stories, or fan-fiction. I found my my ability to process and experience life through characters and stories through books I read, and now books I get to write. Most say my hobby, is well, Hobbies. I love to read, write, paint, draw, sing, play guitar (and I even sometimes dabble in crochet!). A jack of all trades if you will.

But being given the ability to share of piece of my enjoyment with my readers through these stories has already been life altering for me. I cannot thank you enough for supporting me along this vulnerable journey of self discover (and hopefully self publishing!).

With all my love, HM

You must write every single day of your life.

You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads.

May you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days

And out that love, remake the world.”
— Ray Bradbury
